Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Rachelle’s December ‘09 Newsletter

“Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” –Luke 2: 11

Dear Family and Friends,
Wishing you a truly blessed and wonderful Christmas that is filled with God’s overflowing abundance of grace, love and peace. As you celebrate Christmas, may you be reminded of God’s blessings and goodness in your life.

Christmas this year will be my 20th green Christmas (I had my first white Christmas last year which was a dream come true!) and though I am disappointed with the no snow situation, I am glad to be celebrating this joyous season with people who are close to my heart.
A friend asked me once, “What’s your favourite Christmas tradition – it can be one that you practice or not?” I replied that it would have to be having a huge (and I mean HUGE) Christmas dinner with family and close friends followed by everyone sitting around the Christmas tree opening presents. I generally enjoy having people come together to be in fellowship – it brings me much joy and excitement. This Christmas, there will not be a huge turkey dinner with many people; nevertheless, I know it will still be a good Christmas – one that is quiet and relaxing but filled with God’s abundant rest and peace.

Highlights for the year 2009:
 [January/February]
*Exec retreat to Denman Island: a weekend of good bonding and fellowship with fellow exec leaders.
*My 2nd Chinese New Year celebration away from home. It was really nice to have the opportunity to share a little of my culture with my friends in Victoria.

 [March]
*My 21st birthday celebration: I received all that I dreamed of and more of it! I had the honor of celebrating my birthday with friends who are dear to my heart.

 [June]
*Summer adventure to Pender Island: my first camping experience in Canada, getting lost, and tons of sweet fellowship with my three amazing friends.

 [September]
*Great Escape at Pioneer Pacific: the blessings of strengthened relationships, the joy of forming new friendships and the opportunity to see students coming together and forming their own community. Not forgetting the gratitude of being in nature and experiencing the beauty of God’s creation.

 [December]
*Christmas Banquet: the opportunity to get together as a community to give thanks and celebrate the goodness and faithfulness of God.
*High tea with Chrissy: the opportunity to conclude the semester with a time of reflection and joyous celebration for all that God has done in our lives and on our campus.

2009 has been a great year and looking back on it, I am very thankful for the many precious experiences and life lessons I have gained. I am very thankful to be blessed with friends who over time, have grown to be part of my family. As I celebrate the birth of the Messiah, I also celebrate the gift of friendships that I have been so graciously blessed with. Being away from home during this special season has been hard as I miss my family. However, God has been so good in providing me with my family of brothers and sisters in Christ in Canada whom I can celebrate Christmas with.

As this year draws to a close, I look forward to yet another exciting year, one that is filled with many thrilling and challenging experiences as well as the beginning of a new chapter of my life.

“Blessed Christmas and A Blessed New Year to you”

Agape, Rachelle

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