Saturday, December 12, 2009

I've been counting numbers since Tuesday

... Numbers to the page or word capita to my papers ;) Imagine how excited I got when I finally reached that magic number! woot! I started off today with 20 pages and now I'm down to 10 pages! :D Anyways....

Ask me if I'm still alive once Monday comes around. I have tomorrow to write a 20 page paper and study for an exam. I have of course, started working on the paper and I am half way through it (at least that's what I want to believe. hah!). I mean, I have 10 pages left to write. If you'd seen me on Thursday, I was shell-shocked and I did not know what I was doing, but thanks for my prof., I powered through on Thursday night and came up with an outline for my analysis. So, in a day, I went from not knowing anything to having my entire paper figured out (at least the big picture and end goal). I was dreading having to write this paper because I just wrote an 11 page "Executive functions, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and compulsive-like behaviours in young children" and am pretty much wiped out from writing. However, half way into this 20 page paper, I found myself enjoying writing it and even came to a point where I had a fleeting moment of "oh my gosh! 20 page will NOT suffice!" Well, the part I dread the most would have to be integrating external sources into my paper. This is my first case study paper, so it's a whole different approach to research. I am enjoying this more than the conventional way ;)

Anywho, I should go to bed and be all hunky dory and refreshed for an extremely long Saturday filled with paper writing and last minute studying madness! Cheers to student life. I will be so glad to be done in a week. Speaking of a week, a week to total freedom is taking forever.

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