Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's befitting for it to rain today

I remembered walking into Centre 1 in January feeling nervous and excited to be working with infants! I was greeted with 10 adorable faces - apprehensive for the first few weeks - and 4 staff. I was showed around the centre and was instructed as to what my tasks were each time I came into work.
I got to know the staff as well as the 10 kids who became more at ease as I came into work each week. Before I knew it, I felt part of the team and I had little kids coming up to me wanting me to hug and love them. I learned how to interact and care for the littlest ones and I learned how amazing the staff team were (and still are).
Soon April came around and it was the end of my work term. I got a summer job without having to apply for one - it fell right into my lap as my supervisor wanted me to work with them. So I became a regular 'staff', coming in every day throughout the summer.
And as always, time always fly by. Soon, the summer season was over and it was back to being a workstudy student. I continued working in Centre 1, enjoying every moment of it.
Now it's December and today, I said my "goodbye" to the 4 amazing staff and 10 kids whom I've grown so attached to! Tears were shed (I'm still shedding them now). It felt like I was torn apart from my family.
One of the kids gave me a big hug as I kissed and hugged him goodbye. It was a treasured moment. I'll miss him so much. I saw him grow and I'm so sad I won't be able to continue seeing him grow! Not only have I grown attached to the staff and kids, I've grown attached to the parents as well.

I never had such an amazing work experience and I wished I could stay in Centre 1 forever and ever. My past year was enriched because of Centre 1. I never thought leaving work would be this hard. I love my team, the kids and their parents.

"I wished you could stay forever and ever but you have new adventures to explore."

PS: I made it through Monday and I'm still standing ;)

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