Thursday, November 26, 2009

8 classes left to the semester

Only 1 MORE week of school and I'll be done with my undergrad career!
Excited? Yes. Nervous? Yes. I'm a bundle of mixed emotions!! I am already mourning the loss of being a student - I enjoy the student routine and rhythm - and soon, I will be functioning on a different routine. However, I'll be glad to see the end of homework, assignments, and exams. I look forward to having the opportunity to learn new things and not be tested on it.

So... 7 papers and 3 exams to go


Georgia said...

If I've learned one thing in my first year of "career" (whatever that means!) it has been that you still get just don't get the luxury of knowing when the tests are being given!!

You can do it Rachelle! So proud of you!

Elisabeth said...

Congrats! That's awesome