Thursday, October 29, 2009

Rachelle’s October ‘09 Newsletter



Dear Family and Friends,

I cannot help but wish for a moment that time would slow down a little. Despite the endless string of assignments and midterms, I do not want the school semester to come to an end. While September has kept me on my feet, October has been a mellower month – less frantic running and doing – but more quality time spent with students and friends (oh, and with schoolwork as well). I have felt so frustrated because I was unable to find my rhythm to the things that I do weekly. However, I think I am finally finding it, that is, after making it a point to writing down my schedule for each day in detail – down to the hour. I find that by doing so, I make use of my time productively and most times, have surprised myself by accomplishing more than I had anticipated.

In as much as I am busy with school, I find joy and peace with my involvement with IVCF. In the first week of October, we had our annual fall retreat called the Great Escape, and this year, we went up to Pioneer Pacific Camp on Thetis Island for the weekend. Thirty eight of us spent a whole weekend together, and at the end of it, bonded together tightly. In hindsight, I am so amazed at the relationships that have been formed over that weekend. Today, whenever I attend Ring Out, I cannot help but be in awe at the sweet fellowship that we share in Christ Jesus. That weekend really brought all 38 of us closer, not only as friends but as a body of believers.

The joy that I receive from doing student ministry does not end at that. I have been meeting new students at Ring Out, and have the opportunity to spend some time with them. One of the joys that I experienced recently was seeing a first year student connecting with other IVCFers at Ring Out. At the end of the night, he came up to me and said, “Thank you for inviting me to IVCF. I had so much fun!” In addition, spending time with students – be it over coffee or while serving our community – has deepened my passion for student ministry, and has shown me how passionate these students are for God and His kingdom. My heart’s desire is for these students to be kingdom leaders and be witnesses of the Gospel on campus.

The call to leadership encompasses the call to discipleship as well. This was one of the many lessons I learned this year. Having the privilege to intentionally spend time with two girls, Carmen and Kaitlyn, has been one of my weekly highlights. Carmen, Kaitlyn, and I meet every Saturday for our discipleship time. As part of discipleship, we study the Scripture (the book of Acts), pray for one another, and be in fellowship with each other. Carmen and I instantly connected back in August when she emailed me to inquire more about IVCF. Kaitlyn and I met at the first Ring Out, and even though we do not know one another, I felt connected with her. The three of us immediately bonded together at the Great Escape. When I extended the invitation to disciple both of them, they said “YES”! Thus far, it has been a joy and honour to be walking alongside them and have this opportunity to invest my life in theirs. Carmen said, “Thank you for investing your time in our lives”.

Prayer Requests

v Pray for Chrissy and the leadership team as we serve one another and our campus.

v Pray for God’s anointing and wisdom as I serve my leadership team and those around me.

v Diligence and discipline in my studies; the ability to use my time wisely as I study and serve in IVCF.

May you constantly be reminded of the awesome and glorious power of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for your partnership, love, support and prayers.

“Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Psalm 46:10

Agape, Rachelle Low


Christine said...

YAY i like the update on your "happenings"

Unknown said...

heehee.. i do too! ;) i can't wait for December, but i'm sure it will come faster than expected :)